The invention is a combined scent dispenser and audible lure for hunters and outdoorsmen. The scent-dispensing section of the invention is provided with an electrical heating element. Pre-recorded sounds stored within a memory in the invention may be played on command and transmitter by a speaker. Both the electrical heating element and the audible lure are provided with, in one embodiment, a radio receiver circuit and control circuit to selectively operate the heating elements and audible lure. A remote transmitter is provided to permit the remote operation of either or both of the heating element and audible lure.
The invention is a self-contained chimney cleaning apparatus. A winch operated wire brush is attached by cable to a winch pulley, which is in turn mounted to a pivoting housing. The pivoting housing is suspended over the opening of the chimney flue, and remotely controllable. The remote control allows the housing to be pivoted away from the chimney flue opening when the cleaning operation is complete. During the cleaning operation, the housing is positioned over the chimney flue opening and the winch operated brush is lowered and raised through the chimney flue.
An apparatus for conditioning wild game animal to human presence. The apparatus comprises a planar element fabricated from a lightweight material that is shaped to resemble a human head and a human torso. The planar element includes a representation of a human form on a first side.