MARILENA NOY - Coral Gables FL, US
Victor Cuevas - Coral Gables FL, US
Esmeralda Tarafa - Coral Gables FL, US
Alvin Cano - Chicago IL, US
Ray Velazquez - Coral Gables FL, US
International Classification:
A61G 99/00
A body is formed from a segment of non-corrosive wire, or rigid plastic protected by a thin layer of flexible plastic that could be colored or clear. The wire could be made of precious metal such as gold, platinum, silver, etc. or any non-corrosive metal or rigid plastic; typically this wire is from 2 to 4 inches in length with a clear elongated tong extending from the wire to conform to the shape of the wearer's earlobe. This tong could or could not present pre-made perforations for the wearer to hook the heavy earrings (not included) thus, this device will carry the weight of the earring whereof usually the weight would be in the earlobe therefore preventing and protecting the earlobe from expanding and the unsightly split so commonly seen in women who like to wear these type of earrings.