Eugene T. Fitzgibbons - San Clemente CA
The Boeing Company - Seattle WA
International Classification:
H01L 2700
A pixel structure is provided that has a substrate and a bolometer disposed upon the substrate that includes a transducer and an absorber that have been spaced apart from each other and from the substrate so as to permit the transducer and the absorber to be separately optimized. For example, the absorption characteristics of the bolometer can be maximized, while concurrently minimizing the thermal loss to the substrate. While the absorber is spaced from the transducer, the absorber is in thermal contact with the transducer such that radiation absorbed by the absorber also heats the transducer. In this regard, the bolometer also includes a thermally conductive post extending from the transducer to the absorber. Since the transducer has an electrical resistance that varies in response to changes in the temperature of the transducer, heating of the transducer in response to the absorption of radiation by the absorber causes the electrical resistance of the transducer to correspondingly vary in a predetermined manner. By measuring the change in electrical resistance of the transducer, such as by passing a known current therethrough, a precise measurement of the radiation absorbed by the absorber can be determined.