
Dan Boneh Phones & Addresses

  • 3024 Ross Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303 (650) 565-8875
  • 3349 Louis Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303 (650) 565-8875
  • 550 Ortega Ave APT A312, Mountain View, CA 94040
  • Princeton, NJ
  • Chatham, NJ


Company: Stanford university Feb 1999 Position: Professor


Higher Education • University Teaching • Teaching • Theory • Lecturing • Science • College Teaching


Computer Security • Cryptography


Higher Education



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4238 Rickeys Way, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Higher Education
Stanford University since Feb 1999
Higher Education
University Teaching
College Teaching
Computer Security

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Dan Boneh
Chief Technology Officer
Ingrian Networks, Inc
Security Systems Services · Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths)
350 Convention Way, Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 261-2400, (650) 261-2401, (650) 261-2565, (650) 261-2438


Wikipedia References

Dan Boneh Photo 2

Dan Boneh



Known for:

pairing-based cryptography


Stanford University School of Engineering faculty

Studied at:

Princeton University • Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Area of science:


Academic degree:


Professions and applied sciences:

Electrical engineering

Dan Boneh Photo 3

Dan Boneh

Isbn (Books And Publications)

Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2003: 23rd Annual International Cryptology Conference Santa Barbara, California, Usa, August 17-21, 2003 Proceedings

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Dan Boneh



Us Patents

Lightweight Word-Oriented Technique For Generating A Pseudo-Random Sequence For Use In A Keystream Of A Stream Cipher

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US Patent:
6490354, Dec 3, 2002
Jun 23, 1998
Appl. No.:
Ramarathnam R. Venkatesan - Bellevue WA
Dan Boneh - Stanford CA
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
H04L 900
US Classification:
380 43, 380 42, 380 44, 380 46
A word-oriented technique for generating a pseudo-random sequence, e. g. , a keystream ( ) for use in a stream cipher. Specifically, the technique utilizes two different arrays ( ) with each array having illustratively 256 32-bit elements. One array ( ) contains a 256 element 32-bit S-box. An output stream generated by the S-box, i. e. , S , is applied as one input to a first hash function. This hash function, in response to input S multiplied by a variable, C, provides the output keystream. S-box element S is then updated through a second hash function having, as its input, the current value of S multiplied by the variable C. The variable, C, initially a random variable, is itself updated, for use during a next iteration, through an additive combination, of its current value and a corresponding element in the second array (G), i. e. , G. Both the S-box and G array can be initialized by, e. g. , entirely filling each of these arrays with random 32-bit values.

Method Of Using Transient Faults To Verify The Security Of A Cryptosystem

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US Patent:
6965673, Nov 15, 2005
Mar 1, 2000
Appl. No.:
Dan Boneh - Palo Alto CA, US
Richard Lipton - Lawrenceville NJ, US
Richard A. DeMillo - Morristown NJ, US
Telcordia Technologies, Inc. - Piscataway NJ
International Classification:
US Classification:
380 28, 380 1, 380286
A useful method of verifying the integrity of a cryptosystem involves using erroneous outputs to obtain secret information. In certain signature schemes which use the Chinese Remainder Theorem, a correct signature of a message and an erroneous signature of the same message permit the modulus to be easily obtained. If the content of the message is known, such cryptosystems may be cracked with only an erroneous signature of the message. Certain other authorization schemes may be cracked by analyzing a number of erroneous outputs caused by a particular type of error called a “register fault. ” A security expert or cryptosystem designer may intentionally induce a tamper proof device generate a faulty computation by subjecting the device, such as a smart card, to physical stress, such as certain types of radiation, atypical voltage levels, or a higher clock rate than the device was designed to accommodate. Cryptosystems should be impervious to the attacks described herein. If not, the system should be modified or discarded.

Systems And Methods For Identity-Based Encryption And Related Cryptographic Techniques

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US Patent:
7113594, Sep 26, 2006
Aug 13, 2002
Appl. No.:
Dan Boneh - Palo Alto CA, US
Matthew Franklin - Davis CA, US
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford University - Stanford CA
University of California Davis - Oakland CA
International Classification:
H04K 1/00
H04L 9/00
US Classification:
380 28, 380 30, 380277, 380280
A method and system for encrypting a first piece of information M to be sent by a sender [] to a receiver [] allows both sender and receiver to compute a secret message key using identity-based information and a bilinear map. In a one embodiment, the sender [] computes an identity-based encryption key from an identifier ID associated with the receiver []. The identifier ID may include various types of information such as the receiver's e-mail address, a receiver credential, a message identifier, or a date. The sender uses a bilinear map and the encryption key to compute a secret message key g, which is then used to encrypt a message M, producing ciphertext V to be sent from the sender [] to the receiver [] together with an element rP. An identity-based decryption key dis computed by a private key generator [] based on the ID associated with the receiver and a secret master key s. After obtaining the private decryption key from the key generator [], the receiver [] uses it together with the element rP and the bilinear map to compute the secret message key g, which is then used to decrypt V and recover the original message M.

Method And System For Caching Secure Web Content

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US Patent:
7137143, Nov 14, 2006
Jul 9, 2001
Appl. No.:
Rajeev Chawla - Union City CA, US
Panagiotis Tsirigotis - Sunnyvale CA, US
Dan Boneh - Palo Alto CA, US
Ingrian Systems Inc. - Redwood City CA
International Classification:
G06F 17/00
G06F 15/16
H04L 9/00
US Classification:
726 12, 713150, 713153, 709217, 709219
A method and system for securing network communications are provided. In a network a Secure Reverse Proxy (“SRP”) is placed among a server and a client where the client and SRP establish a secure connection using TLS protocol. Upon receiving a request from the client for a secure HTTP page, the SRP determines if the secure page is maintained in its cache. If the page is present, the SRP responds to the client by sending the requested secure HTTP page without contacting the server. If the page is not contained within the SRP's cache, the SRP establishes secure TLS connection with the server and forwards the request for the HTTP page. Receiving the HTTP page from the server, the SRP places it in its cache for future use. Having the page in its cache the SRP retrieves the page, encrypts it, and sends it to the requesting client. Subsequent requests for the same page do not involve the server enhancing the efficiency of network operations.

Cryptographic Pairing-Based Short Signature Generation And Verification

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US Patent:
7587605, Sep 8, 2009
Mar 19, 2004
Appl. No.:
Ramarathnam Venkatesan - Redmond WA, US
Dan Boneh - Palo Alto CA, US
Peter L. Montgomery - Bellevue WA, US
Victor Boyko - Brooklyn NY, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
H04L 9/16
H04L 9/28
US Classification:
713180, 380 30
In at least one implementation, described herein, P and Q,. . . , Qare public points on an elliptic curve over a finite field, but the ratios of Qto P are private. Those ratios are the components (α,. . . , α) of a private key, where Q=αP. This implementation generates short digital ciphers (i. e. , signatures), at least in part, by mapping a message M to a point T on the elliptic curve and then scaling that point T based upon the private key α to get S. At least one other implementation, described herein, verifies those ciphers by comparing pairing values of two pairs, where one pair is the public point P and the scaled point S and another pair is public Q and the point T. This implementation tests whether log(Q)/log(P)=log(S)/log(T), without computing any elliptic curve discrete logarithm directly.

Identity-Based-Encryption System

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US Patent:
7590236, Sep 15, 2009
Mar 25, 2005
Appl. No.:
Dan Boneh - Palo Alto CA, US
Xavier Boyen - Palo Alto CA, US
Voltage Security, Inc. - Palo Alto CA
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University - Palo Alto CA
International Classification:
H04K 1/00
H04L 9/00
H04L 9/30
H04L 29/06
H04L 9/32
US Classification:
380 30, 380 28, 380 44, 380277, 380285, 713150, 713168
Systems and methods for supporting symmetric-bilinear-map and asymmetric-bilinear-map identity-based-encryption (IBE) key exchange and encryption schemes are provided. IBE key exchange schemes use an IBE encapsulation engine to produce a secret key and an encapsulated version of the secret key. An IBE unencapsulation engine is used to unencapsulate the encapsulated key. IBE encryption schemes use an IBE encryption engine to produce ciphertext from plaintext. An IBE decryption engine is used to decrypt the ciphertext to reveal the plaintext. The IBE unencapsulation engine and decryption engines use bilinear maps. The IBE encapsulation and encryption engines perform group multiplication operations without using bilinear maps, improving efficiency. IBE private keys for use in decryption and unencapsulation operations may be generated using a distributed key arrangement in which each IBE private key is assembled from private key shares.

Systems And Methods For Identity-Based Encryption And Related Cryptographic Techniques

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US Patent:
7634087, Dec 15, 2009
May 9, 2006
Appl. No.:
Dan Boneh - Palo Alto CA, US
Matthew Franklin - Berkeley CA, US
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University - Palo Alto CA
The Regents of the University of California, Davis - Oakland CA
International Classification:
H04K 1/00
H04L 9/00
H04L 9/08
H04L 9/30
G06F 21/24
US Classification:
380 28, 380 30, 380277, 380280
A method and system for encrypting a first piece of information M to be sent by a sender [] to a receiver [] allows both sender and receiver to compute a secret message key using identity-based information and a bilinear map. In a one embodiment, the sender [] computes an identity-based encryption key from an identifier ID associated with the receiver []. The identifier ID may include various types of information such as the receiver's e-mail address, a receiver credential, a message identifier, or a date. The sender uses a bilinear map and the encryption key to compute a secret message key g, which is then used to encrypt a message M, producing ciphertext V to be sent from the sender [] to the receiver [] together with an element rP. An identity-based decryption key dis computed by a private key generator [] based on the ID associated with the receiver and a secret master key s. After obtaining the private decryption key from the key generator [], the receiver [] uses it together with the element rP and the bilinear map to compute the secret message key g, which is then used to decrypt V and recover the original message M.

Method And Apparatus For Transparent Encryption

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US Patent:
7757278, Jul 13, 2010
Jan 2, 2002
Appl. No.:
Dan Boneh - Palo Alto CA, US
Rajeev Chawla - Union City CA, US
Alan Frindell - Mountain View CA, US
Eu-Jin Goh - San Carlos CA, US
Nagendra Modadugu - Menlo Park CA, US
Panagiotis Tsirigotis - Mountain View CA, US
SafeNet, Inc. - Belcamp MD
International Classification:
G06F 15/16
US Classification:
726 12, 726 2, 726 26, 713165, 713193, 380255
A method and apparatus are provided for protecting sensitive information within server or other computing environments. Numerous electronic requests addressed to a server system are received over network couplings and evaluated. The evaluation scans for sensitive information including credit card information and private user information. Upon detecting sensitive data, cryptographic operations are applied to the sensitive data. When the sensitive data is being transferred to the server system, the cryptographic operations encrypt the sensitive data prior to transfer among components of the server system. When sensitive data is being transferred from the server system, the cryptographic operations decrypt the sensitive data prior to transfer among the network couplings. The cryptographic operations also include hash, and keyed hash operations.
Dan T Boneh from Palo Alto, CA, age ~55 Get Report