
Stuart Schaefer Phones & Addresses

  • 409 Madison St, Pesotum, IL 61863 (217) 821-7584
  • 403 Washington St, Pesotum, IL 61863 (217) 867-2421
  • Neoga, IL
  • Assumption, IL
  • Champaign, IL
  • Republic, MO
  • Buckley, IL
  • 403 W Washington St, Pesotum, IL 61863



Stuart Schaefer Photo 1

Stuart Schaefer

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409 east Madison St, Pesotum, IL 61863
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
Stuart Schaefer Photo 2

Stuart Schaefer

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Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Stuart Schaefer
Schaefers Shooting Supplies
Whol Durable Goods
403 W Washington St, Pesotum, IL 61863
Stuart A. Schaefer


Us Patents

Easily Assemblable Grain Bin Sweep

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US Patent:
7004305, Feb 28, 2006
Feb 19, 2004
Appl. No.:
Stuart A. Schaefer - Pesotum IL, US
The GSI Group, Inc. - Assumption IL
International Classification:
B65G 33/34
US Classification:
198674, 1985506, 414310
A grain bin sweep is adapted to be assembled within a grain bin. The sweep comprises an auger assembly including a shield and an auger; and a tractor frame assembly comprising a frame first part and a frame second part. The sweep components are sized to fit through a small access opening to a grain bin and to then be assembled together within the grain bin. Additionally, the assembly of the grain bin sweep is accomplished using simple hand tools, such as wrenches, screwdrivers, etc. No welding, drilling or other fabrication is required to assemble the parts or components together to form the sweep.

Removable, Portable Controlable Power Link For Controlling And Powering Components Of Structures At An Agribusiness

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US Patent:
20050180086, Aug 18, 2005
Feb 11, 2005
Appl. No.:
Stuart Schaefer - Pesotum IL, US
Eugene Pollock - Assumption IL, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
A control assembly is provided for a plurality of structures (such as grain bins, silos, dryers, hoppers, poultry houses, pig houses, etc.) at an agribusiness. Each structure includes one or more components to be controlled and a component cable to electrically connect the component to a source of power. The control assembly includes a mount for each structure and a control/power assembly which can be mounted to the mounts of the individual structures. The mount is fixedly mountable to a surface on or adjacent the structure and includes a bracket and an electrical outlet connected to a source of electricity. The control/power assembly includes a housing containing control circuitry, a plurality of component outlets each of which is electrically connected to a specific control circuit to receive the component cable of the structure; a connector for electrically connecting the control/power to the mount outlet. The control/power assembly can be mounted to the mount and connected to the components and the source of electricity to operate the components of the particular structure. When operations at the structure are complete, the portable control/power assembly can be removed from the mount and either placed in a secure location or mounted to the mount of a different structure to operate the components of the different second structure.
Stuart A Schaefer from Pesotum, IL, age ~69 Get Report