Stephen P. Rawlings - Onsted MI
Steven J. Skornicka - Tecumseh MI
Wickes Manufacturing Company - Charlotte NC
International Classification:
B60J 720
A convertible vehicle includes a U-shaped top storage well having rear and side edges that are defined by body sheet metal, a front edge defined by the vehicle rear seat, and forwardly-projecting side quarter portions having a front and spaced side walls. A boot for covering the stored top comprises a semi-rigid laminate of vinyl and foam layers having a smooth top surface. The bottom surface has two longitudinal grooves enabling folding for storage. The periphery of the rear surface has spaced indentations between the grooves for locating and mounting peripheral C-shaped clips which grip the well rear and side edges, and quarter side and front walls. A tongue is mounted on the boot front edge and includes a latch bead. The tongue is inserted into the slot of a receiver mounted on the rear seat back. The receiver comprises a base having a recess for receiving the latch bead and an opposing flexible wall which clamps the tongue to latch the bead into the recess.