US Patent:
20120230534, Sep 13, 2012
Davis Y. Pan - Arlington MA, US
Shiufun Cheung - Lexington MA, US
Darby Edward Hadley - Westborough MA, US
Ryo Maiguma - Tokyo, JP
Takao Nakayma - Tokyo, JP
Bruce C. Po - Waltham MA, US
Katsumi Tomida - Kawachi-Nagano, JP
Petr Vicherek - Harvard MA, US
Tobe Z. Barksdale - Bolton MA, US
Ronald A. Fowler - Westford MA, US
International Classification:
H04R 1/02
A vehicle audio system that includes a source of audio signals, which may include both entertainment audio signals and announcement audio signals, speakers for radiating audio signals, and spatial enhancement circuitry comprising circuitry to avoid applying spatial enhancement processing to the announcement audio signals.