
Peter Hoerenz Phones & Addresses

  • 17 Brookdell Dr, Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914) 428-3384
  • New York, NY


Position: Administration/Managerial


Us Patents

Digital-Marking Camera Attachment

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US Patent:
43613888, Nov 30, 1982
Dec 19, 1980
Appl. No.:
Ludek Mlcak - Waldwick NJ
Peter G. Hoerenz - Hartsdale NY
Carl Zeiss-Stiftung - Oberkochen
International Classification:
G03B 1724
US Classification:
The invention contemplates a device for directly recording upon photographic film, such as 35-mm film, data such as time and/or other identification within the exposure frame to which the data is applied. In the described embodiment, the data form is digital, luminously provided by a plurality of LED devices, and a fiber optics bundle transmits each LED-generated digit display direct to the plane in which a pressure plate engages the back surface (i. e. , opposite the emulsion surface) of the film. The pressure plate is resiliently suspended, for gently loaded contact with film at the exposure-frame region, and all LED components and their associated fiber-optics bundles are fixedly mounted to, and therefore resiliently suspended with, the pressure plate.

Illuminance Dosage Device

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US Patent:
46825959, Jul 28, 1987
Apr 11, 1986
Appl. No.:
Peter G. Hoerenz - Hartsdale NY
Gerhard Mueller - Aalen, DE
Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung - Heidenheim/Brenz
International Classification:
A61B 1736
US Classification:
The invention contemplates dose-integrating instrumentation which relies upon continuously monitoring the illuminance level of a small sampling fraction of the total projected-light flux of the field-illuminating system of an operating microscope, the sampling being optionally within the projection system, or taken elsewhere. The sampled illuminance is in the form of an electrical signal which is continuously time-integrated to provide a continuous display of the dosage as it builds in the course of an operative procedure. Provision is made for the surgeon to preset what he chooses to be the safe upper limit of integrated exposure, beyond which he does not wish to go for fear of possible jeopardy to the retina of his patient, and the instrument continuously indicates the remaining time for him to complete his operation, should he continue at the current level of illumination. The instrument also provides a succession of different indications throughout the progress of the operation, as successive predetermined thresholds of building dosage (exposure) are reached.

Illuminance Dosage Device For An Operation Microscope

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US Patent:
46570136, Apr 14, 1987
Mar 25, 1985
Appl. No.:
Peter G. Hoerenz - Hartsdale NY
Gerhard Mueller - Aalen, DE
Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung - Heidenheim/Brenz
International Classification:
A61B 1736
US Classification:
The invention contemplates dose-integrating instrumentation which relies upon continuously monitoring the illuminance level of a small sampling fraction of the total projected-light flux of the field-illuminating system of an operating microscope, the sampling being optionally within the projection system, or taken elsewhere. The sampled illuminance is in the form of an electrical signal which is continuously time-integrated to provide a continuous display of the dosage as it builds in the course of an operative procedure. Provision is made for the surgeon to preset what he chooses to be the safe upper limit of integrated exposure, beyond which he does not wish to go for fear of possible jeopardy to the retina of his patient, and the instrument continuously indicates the remaining time for him to complete his operation, should he continue at the current level of illumination. The instrument also provides a succession of different indications throughout the progress of the operation, as successive predetermined thresholds of building dosage (exposure) are reached.

Operation Microscope With Fixation Device

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US Patent:
44784996, Oct 23, 1984
Sep 30, 1981
Appl. No.:
Peter G. Hoerenz - Hartsdale NY
Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, Heidenheim/Brenz - Oberkochen
International Classification:
A61B 310
US Classification:
The invention contemplates an operation microscope which incorporates an eye-fixation feature to enable a patient's eye (under microscope observation) to precisely maintain infinity focus and viewing alignment, either with the central axis of the microscope or at desired controllable offset therefrom. Embodiments are shown for incorporation of this feature both as part of the field-illumination optical system associated with the microscope, and otherwise, but nevertheless also utilizing part of the observational optical system of the microscope.
Peter G Hoerenz from Hartsdale, NY, age ~94 Get Report