
Peeter Oja Phones & Addresses

  • 58 Villa Ave, Buffalo, NY 14216 (716) 876-7303
  • Hamburg, NY
  • 58 Villa Ave, Buffalo, NY 14216



Leto svet

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"Leto svet" was Estonia 's entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2008, performed in Serbian, German and Finnish by Hannes Vrno, Peeter Oja and Tarmo Leinatamm from the Estonian comedy ...

List of Estian films since 1991

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Evelin Pang, Andero Ermel, Argo Aadli, Lembit Ulfsak, Garmen Tabor, Marko Matvere, Piret Kalda, Peeter Oja, Harriet Toompere, Elina Reinold, Mait Malmsten, Margus Tabor, Aarne ...

Peeter Oja from Buffalo, NYDeceased Get Report