
Oren Somekh Phones & Addresses

  • Princeton, NJ


Us Patents

Sum Rate Of Broadcast Channels With Outdated 1-Bit Feedback

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US Patent:
20090005028, Jan 1, 2009
Apr 28, 2008
Appl. No.:
Alexander M. Haimovich - North Brunswick NJ, US
Osvaldo Simeone - Hoboken NJ, US
Bo Niu - Kearny NJ, US
Oren S. Somekh - Princeton NJ, US
International Classification:
H04Q 7/38
US Classification:
A single-input single-output (SISO) downlink channel with K users is analyzed in the presence of Rayleigh flat fading. A limited channel state information (CSI) feedback scheme is included, where only an outdated 1-bit feedback per user is available at the base station for each fading block. A closed-form expression for the achievable ergodic sum-rate of the 1-bit feedback scheme is presented for any number of users, as a function of the fading temporal correlation coefficient, the threshold of the 1-bit CSI quantizer and the SNR. The sum-rate scales with increasing number of users as log logK, which is the same scaling law achieved by the optimal non-delayed full CSI feedback scheme.
Oren S Somekh from Princeton, NJ, age ~59 Get Report