Michael F. Cazalet - Houston TX
International Classification:
B01J 2108
B01J 2118
B01J 2334
B01J 2104
The present disclosure is directed to, in its preferred and illustrated embodiment, both an apparatus and method which prevents postharvest decay, maturation and senescense. The apparatus is a structure which contains adsorbing and oxidizing materials which include activated carbon, finely ground to have a surface area of not less than 1450. 0 square meters per gram, potassium permanganate impregnated by drying onto an activated alumina extrudate pellet or carrier, a molecular seive having a surface area of note less than 350. 0 square meters per gram and a silica gel having a surface area of not less than approximately 850. 0 square meters per gram. One form of the apparatus is placement of granulated or particulate ingredients in cavities of a molded or extruded plastic framework open on two faces and covered by a heat sealed filter media having air-exposed pores of about 300. 0 microns or larger to enable airborne particles and vapors to pass into the cavities. An alternate form is a pouch or pocket with ingredients in the pouch.