
Mark Wangsness Phones & Addresses

  • 410 3Rd St, Miller, SD 57362 (605) 853-2583
  • 410 SE 3Rd Ave, Miller, SD 57362 (605) 853-2583
  • 35641 203Rd St, Miller, SD 57362 (605) 853-2583

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Mark Wangsness
Wangsness Inc
General Crop & Livestock Farm
Hc BOX 93, Como, SD 57362
(605) 853-2535


Us Patents

Bale Saw

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US Patent:
51614480, Nov 10, 1992
Apr 16, 1991
Appl. No.:
Mark H. Wangsness - Miller SD
International Classification:
B23D 5702
US Classification:
A bale saw for cutting up large, cylindrical hay bales including a frame for quick mounting on a tractor load bucket. The frame includes a cross member and rearwardly projecting upper and lower structures which slidably mount over the bottom of the load bucket. A top member on the frame bolts to the top of the load bucket. Cable winches further strap the frame to the load bucket. A hydraulic motor, powered by the tractor hydraulic system, rotates a chain saw mounted on the frame. The tractor is driven up to a large hay bale, and the bucket may be adjusted to any height to cut the bale into pieces small enough for easy handling.
Mark H Wangsness from Miller, SD, age ~73 Get Report