
Lauren Cashner Phones & Addresses

  • Belleview, FL
  • Ocala, FL
  • Birmingham, MI
  • Bloomfield Hills, MI


Company: Lady lake police department - Lady Lake, FL May 2011 Position: Police corporal


School / High School: Police Academy at College of Central Florida in Ocala- Ocala, FL 2010


As a police officer • I was trained to deal with highly stress... • life and death situations. I was require... • and be familiar with state and local law... • and had to establish a rapport with them... • RADAR and Laser • Interview and Interrogation • and Case Preparation. I am familiar an... • Excel • and Power Point. I have used several dif... • as well as client database systems. I am... • as I have held positions requiring both.... • and can also take directions well. As a ... • I have led and taken charge of my shift • while following orders from superiors in...



Lauren Cashner Photo 1

Lauren Cashner Belleview, FL

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Lady Lake Police Department
Lady Lake, FL
May 2011 to Aug 2014
Police Corporal

Lake Advisory Group
The Villages, FL
Nov 2009 to May 2011
Receptionist/Office Support

Kilwin's Chocolates
Birmingham, MI
2003 to 2009
Day Manager

Troy, MI
Mar 2007 to Aug 2007

As a police officer, I was trained to deal with highly stressful, life and death situations. I was required to make quick decisions, and be familiar with state and local laws. I have dealt with people from all walks of life, and had to establish a rapport with them to effectively do the job. I completed several advanced training courses including DUI detection and enforcement, RADAR and Laser, Interview and Interrogation, and Case Preparation. I am familiar and comfortable with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point. I have used several different Point of Sale systems, as well as client database systems. I am a skilled typist and confident in my ability to learn new programs quickly. Every position I have held in the past requires interaction with the public. I have developed my communications skills through many different situations I have encountered and believe I am an effective communicator. I work well independently as well as part of a team, as I have held positions requiring both. I am comfortable taking the lead on projects and tasks, and can also take directions well. As a recent middle management supervisor, I have led and taken charge of my shift, while following orders from superiors in my chain of command.

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Lauren S Cashner
2100 SE 17 St SUITE 201, Ocala, FL 34471
Lauren J Cashner from Belleview, FL, age ~36 Get Report