
Larry Lesyna Phones & Addresses

  • 5197 Ridge Heights St, Las Vegas, NV 89148 (702) 492-9932
  • 8946 Coral Shale St, Las Vegas, NV 89123 (702) 492-9932
  • 2310 Rock St, Mountain View, CA 94043
  • Plainview, NY
  • Stanford, CA
  • Bethpage, NY


Us Patents

Electron Microprobe Utilizing Thermal Detector Arrays

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US Patent:
53897927, Feb 14, 1995
Jan 4, 1993
Appl. No.:
Don DiMarzio - Northport NY
Larry Lesyna - Plainview NY
Grumman Aerospace Corporation - Bethpage NY
International Classification:
G01T 136
H01L 31115
H01L 310296
US Classification:
An electron beam from a scanning electron microscope, or X-rays from an external X-ray source, impinges on a material sample surface thereby causing the generation of fluorescent X-rays characteristic of the elements present in the sample. An improved energy dispersive X-ray detector system for materials analysis, based on a monolithically fabricated thermal detector array and solid state refrigeration system, is described. The detector array converts the X-ray photons to heat, and the heat is measured as a rise in temperature by thermistors in the individual detector elements in the array. The small detector elements in the array are kept at a low temperature so as to achieve an energy resolution of less than 5 eV, and the multiple elements in the array insure that a sufficient X-ray count rate for normal materials analysis is achieved. The signals from the individual thermal detectors in the array are then processed so that a distribution of X-ray counts as a function of energy is produced, and the characteristic X-ray fluorescent lines of the individual elements in the sample can be identified. Accordingly, the composition of the sample may be determined.
Larry Lesyna from Las Vegas, NV, age ~66 Get Report