Richard C. Maixner - Dallas TX
Robert K. Marston - Plano TX
Khalil E. Massad - Garland TX
Rockwell International Corporation - El Segundo CA
International Classification:
H04B 126
A single sideband signal can be demodulated by using sampled data techniques. An intermediate frequency (IF) radio signal is split into two branches and is sampled by two sample and hold devices; each sample and hold device operates at a rate that is not only a submultiple of the carrier frequency, but is also at least twice the information bandwidth. Prior to, or during sampling of one branch (the quadrature branch), a Hilbert's transform is performed upon the IF signal which results in the output of the two sample and hold devices being in phase quadrature. A phase shift of 90. degree. , using a baseband finite impulse response Hilbert's transform filter, is performed upon the output signal of the quadrature branch's sample and hold device. The sum of the inphase sampled signal and the filtered quadrature phase sampled signal produces the demodulated lower sideband while the difference between the two produces the demodulated upper sideband. There are two basic examples shown of single sideband demodulation through the use of sampled data techniques; in addition, there are several examples of implementing the Hilbert's Transformer.