
Kathy Smith Bardstown, KY
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Private care home health
Bardstown, KY
Sep 2009 to Aug 2014
Home Health Aide
Flaget Hospital
Jan 2006 to Apr 2011
certified nursing assistant, unit secretary, and desk clerk
Colonial Health and Rehab
Dec 1999 to Jun 2005
Certified nursing assistant, personal care of residents
Bardstown, KY
Sep 2009 to Aug 2014
Home Health Aide
Flaget Hospital
Jan 2006 to Apr 2011
certified nursing assistant, unit secretary, and desk clerk
Colonial Health and Rehab
Dec 1999 to Jun 2005
Certified nursing assistant, personal care of residents
Galen College of Nursing Louisville Campus
Louisville, KY
2012 to 2014
lpn and 9 months untill RN in Nursing science education
Louisville, KY
2012 to 2014
lpn and 9 months untill RN in Nursing science education
Volunteer with American Red Cross and recieving training also training in emergency/natural disaster prepardness and shelter set up and running.CPR certifed every year since 1997, Emergency Response training, Sucide prevention training, Education provider for Nursing assistant, Bussiness skills with family bussiness/store/farm as in sales,scheduling emmployees, taxes,immagrate housing and meals, monies, banking and care ofgrounds and livestock, Horsemanship competeion, Volunter training in elemantary school to assist teachers and tutor children with learning distabilites, Training with area Hospice during grandmothers care and contuined training which helped get sitter/nurse homecare with Hospice Patients, Excellent with Alltizmer and mental health patients, Recieve many private home health jobs by word of mouth from past familys as a loved ones sitter and used as second job or extra few hours whatever was needed, Active member in the church and assistant to missions program delivering/providing food and items expecally during the holidays