Richard G. Chiodo - Bothell WA, US
Snohomish P. Griesmer - Snohomish WA, US
Elena Monica Boris - Redmond WA, US
Andrew Brian Hall - Kirkland WA, US
Karthikeyan Sethuramasubbu - Redmond WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
G06F 9/44
A developer analysis record supports debugging. One developer analysis record contains a copy of a debuggee source code expression including one or more variables. An expression location in the record specifies the location of the expression within debuggee source code, and an expression scope specifies the scope of the expression within the source code. Developer comments about the expression may be stored in the record, distinct from source code and free from programming language syntax restrictions. The developer analysis record can be stored by a developer during one debugger session and then retrieved by the same or another developer during a later debugger session. The developer analysis record can be displayed and updated in a floating window, such as a tear-off floating datatip window.