James T. Kuwada - Richmond CA
International Classification:
G21F 924
A system and process for dissolving certain noncondensable gases into geothermal waste water after the useful energy has been extracted from the geothermal fluid from which the noncondensable gases and the waste water are derived. A tubing is mounted in place within a wellhead casing which extends downwardly therefrom to an injection zone below ground. The length of the tubing is selected to at least correspond to the depth in the casing which provides a static waste water head pressure equal to the gas partial pressure required to dissolve at least a portion of the noncondensable gases into the waste water. The tubing has holes near the lower open end which communicates with the wellhead casing so that the noncondensable gases can flow into the wellhead casing and dissolve in the waste water flowing downwardly in the casing to the injection zone. A gas cap chamber is provided near the upper end of the wellhead casing for collecting the noncondensable gases which are undissolved and rise to the wellhead. These accumulated gases can be vented to the atmosphere because they will be essentially free of hydrogen sulfide, which will have been preferentially absorbed into the waste water in the gas injection zone of the well bore.