James Conkel - Lawrenceville GA, US
Richard Valentine - Alpharetta GA, US
International Classification:
The present invention provides a wall that is easy to construct and is able to utilize the long-term design strength of a geosynthetic reinforcement connection or anchor. In accordance with one or more of the embodiments, the wall comprises a multifaceted rotatable locking bar in contact with one end of a geosynthetic reinforcement; a lower block with an edgeless surface section adjacent a receiving channel which accepts the locking bar and geosynthetic reinforcement; and, an upper block with a receiving channel which also accepts the locking bar and geosynthetic reinforcement. A force applied to an opposite end of the geosynthetic reinforcement is transferred, via the geosynthetic reinforcement, to the locking bar causing the bar to rotate and engage the geosynthetic reinforcement with at least one side of a receiving channel. In this manner, the reinforcement is engaged with the stacked blocks and the stacked blocks are united with the adjacent support or backfill.