
Gregg Auld Phones & Addresses

  • Fort Mill, SC
  • 980 5Th St, Irwin, PA 15642 (724) 863-0225
  • North Huntingdon, PA
  • Trafford, PA
  • Cape Canaveral, FL
  • N Huntingdon, PA

Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Gregg Auld
Business Services
1000 Westinghouse Dr SUITE 430, Cranberry Township, PA 16066
4350 Northern Pike, Monroeville, PA 15146
PO Box 355, Pittsburgh, PA 15230


Us Patents

Pressure Pulse Cleaning Method

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US Patent:
49216627, May 1, 1990
Apr 19, 1988
Appl. No.:
Richard D. Franklin - Jeannette PA
Gregg D. Auld - Trafford PA
David E. Murray - Greensburg PA
John J. Lescisin - Pittsburgh PA
Albert R. Vaia - Export PA
Thomas E. Dunn - Pittsburgh PA
Westinghouse Electric Corp. - Pittsburgh PA
International Classification:
F22B 3748
US Classification:
A method for loosening and removing sludge and debris from the vessel of a heat exchanger, such as the secondary side of a nuclear steam generator, is disclosed herein. The method generally comprises the steps of providing a sufficient volume of a liquid, such as water, into the steam generator so that the lower portion which includes the tubesheet is submerged, and then generating a succession of pressure pulses within the water from one or more pressure pulse generators wherein each pressure pulse creates shock waves that exert momentary forces throughout the submerged portion of the generator of a magnitude sufficient to loosen the sludge and debris, but safely below the yield and fatigue limits of the heat exchanger tubes and other components within the generator. The pressure pulses commence as soon as a sufficient amount of water is introduced into the steam generator to submerge the tubesheet, and continue all the way through the draining of the steam generator.

Pressure Pulse Cleaning Method

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US Patent:
50063049, Apr 9, 1991
Oct 20, 1989
Appl. No.:
Richard D. Franklin - Jeannette PA
Gregg D. Auld - Trafford PA
David E. Murray - Greensburg PA
John J. Lescisin - Pittsburgh PA
Albert R. Vaia - Export PA
Thomas E. Dunn - Pittsburgh PA
Westinghouse Electric Corp. - Pittsburgh PA
International Classification:
F22B 3748
US Classification:
A method for loosening and removing sludge and debris from the vessel of a heat exchanger, such as the secondary side of a nuclear steam generator, is disclosed herein. The method generally comprises the steps of providing a sufficient volume of a liquid, such as water, into the steam generator so that the lower portion which includes the tubesheet is submerged, and then generating a succession of pressure pulses within the water from one or more pressure pulse generators wherein each pressure pulse creates shock waves that exert momentary forces throughout the submerged portion of the generator of a magnitude sufficient to loosen the sludge and debris, but safely below the yield and fatigue limits of the heat exchanger tubes and other components within the generator. The pressure pulses commence as soon as a sufficient amount of water is introduced into the steam generator to submerge the tubesheet, and continue all the way through the draining of the steam generator.

Pressure Pulse Cleaning Apparatus

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US Patent:
50922807, Mar 3, 1992
Aug 10, 1989
Appl. No.:
Richard D. Franklin - Jeannette PA
Gregg D. Auld - Trafford PA
David E. Murray - Greensburg PA
Westinghouse Electric Corp. - Pittsburgh PA
International Classification:
F22B 3754
US Classification:
An apparatus for loosening and removing sludge and other impurities from the interior of a heat exchanger vessel which may be the secondary side of a nuclear steam generator is disclosed herein. The apparatus generally comprises a nozzle having a first end that is detachably mountable into an access opening such as a sludge lance port in the secondary side of the generator, and a second end that extends into the interior of the secondary side at a 30 degree downward angle relative to the tubesheet in the vessel for minimizing the stresses applied to the heat exchanger tubes, and for uniformly reflecting the pulse back up toward the upper portions of the secondary side. A pulse generator is operably connected to the nozzle which has a controller for controlling the power level of the pulses generated. To further minimize such peak tube stresses, the pulse generator includes a pulse flattener, and the second end of the nozzle is aligned down the main tube lane.

System And Method For Vertically Flushing A Steam Generator During A Shock Wave Cleaning Operation

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US Patent:
50193295, May 28, 1991
Dec 26, 1989
Appl. No.:
Richard D. Franklin - Hemet CA
Gregg D. Auld - Trafford PA
David E. Murray - Connellsville PA
Westinghouse Electric Corp. - Pittsburgh PA
International Classification:
G21C 1942
US Classification:
Both a system and a method for removing sludge and debris from the interior of the secondary side of a nuclear steam generator is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of introducing a sufficient amount of water in the secondary side to submerge at least the tubesheet, generating a succession of shock waves in the water by means of pulses of pressurized gas to create shock waves that loosen the sludge and debris, and vertically flushing the interior of the secondary side by suctioning water off from the bottom portion of the steam generator while simultaneously forcefully spraying water from the top portion of the generator over the bundle of heat exchanger tubes in order to remove the sludge and debris loosened by the shock waves. To conserve the water used in the flushing operation, the water that is suctioned off from the bottom portion of the steam generator is filtered and de-ionized and re-introduced through hoses at the top portion of the generator which forcefully directs water downwardly through the bundle of heat exchanger tubes and against the tubesheet. The invention greatly enhances the effectiveness of pressure pulse, water slap and water cannon cleaning methods in the secondary sides of nuclear steam generators.

Pressure Pulse Cleaning Apparatus

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US Patent:
48996971, Feb 13, 1990
Apr 19, 1988
Appl. No.:
Richard D. Franklin - Jeannette PA
Gregg D. Auld - Trafford PA
David E. Murray - Greensburg PA
Westinghouse Electric Corp. - Pittsburgh PA
International Classification:
F22B 3754
US Classification:
An apparatus for loosening and removing sludge and other impurities from the interior of a heat exchanger vessel which may be the secondary side of a nuclear steam generator is disclosed herein. The apparatus generally comprises a nozzle having a first end that is detachably mountable into an access opening such as a sludge lance port in the secondary side of the generator, and a second end that extends into the interior of the secondary side at a 30 degree downward angle relative to the tubesheet in the vessel for minimizing the stresses applied to the heat exchanger tubes, and for uniformly reflecting the pulse back up toward the upper portions of the secondary side. A pulse generator is operably connected to the nozzle which has a controller for controlling the power level of the pulses generated. To further minimize such peak tube stresses, the pulse generator includes a pulse flattener, and the second end of the nozzle is aligned down the main tube lane.

Chemical Cleaning Method For Steam Generators Utilizing Pressure Pulsing

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US Patent:
51541971, Oct 13, 1992
Oct 9, 1991
Appl. No.:
Gregg D. Auld - Trafford PA
Allen J. Baum - Pittsburgh PA
Judith B. Esposito - Swissvale PA
William J. Stenger - Penn Twp. PA
Westinghouse Electric Corp. - Pittsburgh PA
International Classification:
B08B 308
B08B 312
B08B 500
B08B 902
US Classification:
134 1
An improved method for removing sludge and corrosion products from the interior of a heat exchanger vessel, such as a nuclear steam generator, which comprises the steps of generating a series of pressure pulses within a liquid chelate-containing chemical cleaning agent after the agent has been introduced into the interior of the vessel to create shock waves in the liquid for dislodging, dissolving and fluidizing sludge and corrosion products. The liquid chemical cleaning agent is removed from the vessel after only about 10 to 70 percent of what would have been its normal residence time without the pressure pulses. The method further includes the steps of simultaneously recirculating the chemical cleaning agent through a filter assembly during the pressure pulsing operation in order to remove fluidized sludge and corrosion products dislodged by the pressure pulsing, thereby affording them no opportunity to resettle back onto the surfaces of the heat exchanger vessel and interfere with the chemical cleaning of the vessel. The method reduces not only the time required for a particular chemical cleaning agent to effectively clean the vessel, but further reduces the number of times such chemicals need to be introduced into the vessel, which in turn results in the production of less radioactive liquid waste products.
Gregg D Auld from Fort Mill, SC, age ~65 Get Report