
Grant Swinehart Phones & Addresses

  • The Villages, FL
  • Aurora, IL
  • 1213 Olympus Dr, Naperville, IL 60540 (630) 698-1631
  • 1213 Olympus Dr, Naperville, IL 60540



Grant Swinehart Photo 1

Caregiver - Person First Consulting

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Caretaker at Person First Consulting
Granger, Indiana
Individual & Family Services
Person First Consulting since Jan 2010

Crowe Horwath LLP - South Bend, Indiana Area; Rotating May 2008 - Aug 2008
IT Intern Jan 2008 - May 2008
Marketing Intern
Ball State University - College of Business 2005 - 2009
Bachelor of Science, Marketing
Grant Swinehart Photo 2

Grant Swinehart

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Business Records

Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Grant E. Swinehart
Business Services at Non-Commercial Site
1213 Olympus Dr, Naperville, IL 60540


Us Patents

Method And Apparatus For Providing Call Tracing Service

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US Patent:
45916659, May 27, 1986
Jul 12, 1983
Appl. No.:
Robert W. Foster - Glen Ellyn IL
Rosanna M. Lottes - Naperville IL
Grant E. Swinehart - Naperville IL
AT&T Bell Laboratories - Murray Hill NJ
International Classification:
H04M 157
H04Q 372
US Classification:
179 18FH
For use with a telephone system having a communications terminal and serving a plurality of stations, method and apparatus is disclosed for providing a customer-originated call tracing service on a per call basis. Responsive to a call from a calling station to a called station, a memory dedicated to the called station stores the directory number of the calling station. An indicator bit associated with the memory designates the stored directory number as that of a "calling" station. Receiving, for example, a nuisance or obscene call, the customer at the called station enters a predetermined access code after the call to send the designated directory number of the calling station as well as the called station directory number to the communications terminal for subsequent follow up by appropriate personnel. Several calling station directory numbers may be stored in the memory for subsequent display at the called station. In such case, the called customer may first choose the directory number of the nuisance caller, particularly, when the called customer receives a large number of calls during a relatively short period of time.

Method And Apparatus For Providing A Plurality Of Special Services

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US Patent:
45673233, Jan 28, 1986
Jul 12, 1983
Appl. No.:
Rosanna M. Lottes - Naperville IL
Grant E. Swinehart - Naperville IL
AT&T Bell Laboratories - Murray Hill NJ
International Classification:
H04M 342
US Classification:
179 18B
For use with a telephone system serving a plurality of stations, method and apparatus is disclosed for providing a plurality of special services by designating a memory dedicated to a particular station for a selected one of the services on a per call basis. Responsive to a call between a particular one and a specific calling/called one of the stations, a memory dedicated to the particular station is designated for a selected calling/called station special service. The directory number of the specific calling/called station is also stored in the designated memory for subsequently activating the selected service. Responsive to a predetermined activation code entered at the paticular station, the selected special sevice is activated using the stored directory number of the specific calling/called station. When the specific station is in a busy condition, completion of the selected special service is delayed until both the particular and the specific stations are in an idle condition.
Grant E Swinehart from The Villages, FL, age ~76 Get Report