US Patent:
20070294195, Dec 20, 2007
Edith L. CURRY - Glen Allen VA, US
Frank HAILSTONES - Orlando FL, US
Michael A. DEMENT - Williamsburg VA, US
Laurie S. HOLTZ - Miami Beach FL, US
International Classification:
G06F 19/00
A cooperative arrangement and method to help deter and/or detect and/or mitigate fraud by evaluating and then monitoring the information of an individual or individuals for changes in fraud risk. A personal information disclosure statement, personal information records, and other relevant information associated with an individual, or a plurality of individuals, associated with an organization, an individual potentially to be associated with an organization, or an individual acting in his or her individual capacity are obtained. Information is extracted from the personal information disclosure statement, the personal information records, and the other relevant information and entered into a risk assessment algorithm. The risk assessment algorithm operates on the entered information and generates risk assessment data. The risk assessment data is evaluated to make a determination of fraud risk with respect to the individual(s). A decision to provide a fraud risk determination means that the risk associated with the individual, with respect to committing fraud, is acceptable. Risk assessment data on a plurality of key individuals within an organization may be generated and evaluated to make a determination of fraud risk with respect to the organization itself.