
Eva D Sajan

from Oakland, CA
Age ~81

Eva Sajan Phones & Addresses

  • 5963 Chabolyn Ter, Oakland, CA 94618 (510) 601-7507
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Alameda, CA
  • 5963 Chabolyn Ter, Oakland, CA 94618


Degree: Graduate or professional degree


Us Patents

Process And Medium For Mammalian Cell Culture Under Low Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Concentration

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US Patent:
6338964, Jan 15, 2002
May 7, 1999
Appl. No.:
Ricaredo Matanguihan - Walnut Creek CA
Eva Sajan - Oakland CA
Konstantin Konstantinov - Walnut Creek CA
Michael Zachariou - Walnut Creek CA
Charles Olson - Moraga CA
Bayer Corporation - Berkeley CA
International Classification:
C12N 500
US Classification:
435404, 435325, 435350, 435352, 435358, 435364, 435366, 435367, 435383
A cell culture medium which is low in dissolved carbon dioxide is disclosed. The medium contains less than about 1 g/L added sodium bicarbonate and includes an organic buffer and a metal complexing agent. The medium is preferably essentially free of added sodium bicarbonate. Methods of use of the medium in culturing mammalian cells, particularly cells engineered to produce recombinant factor VIII, are also disclosed.

Blood Separation System

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US Patent:
51024071, Apr 7, 1992
Mar 13, 1990
Appl. No.:
Raleigh A. Carmen - Concord CA
Willie J. Lewis - Oakland CA
Eva Sajan - Oakland CA
Miles Inc. - Elkhart IN
International Classification:
C04B 502
US Classification:
Blood bag system for separating whole blood into upper, middle, and lower components which can then be isolated from each other in an automated manner. The system comprises a primary or main blood bag having first and second outlet ports. The first outlet port communicates via tubing with a first satellite bag. The second outlet port communicates via tubing with a second satellite bag at one end and at the other end communicates with a tubular member extending into and toward the bottom of the main bag. In use whole blood is drawn into the main bag through an inlet port and centrifuged to form an upper, less dense plasma portion, a lower, more dense red blood cell (RBC) portion and an intermediate portion of buffy coat (including platelets). Pressure is then applied to the bag with the first outlet open and the second outlet closed to express all of the upper plasma through the first outlet port after which the first outlet port is closed and the second outlet is opened. The lower RBCs are expressed by pressure through the tubular member and second outlet, leaving only the intermediate buffy coat in the main bag.

Bottom Blood Bag Separation System

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US Patent:
51547163, Oct 13, 1992
Nov 6, 1990
Appl. No.:
Ronald H. Bauman - Arcadia CA
Donald R. Denton - San Dimas CA
William W. Dupin - Covina CA
Edward J. Nelson - San Rafael CA
Eva Sajan - Oakland CA
Miles Inc. - Elkhart IN
International Classification:
B01D 3700
US Classification:
Plastic blood bag system including a bag having a generally longitudinal seal extending from the top of the bag and between two blood bag ports downwardly to at least the lower half of the bag but not to the bottom of the bag, thereby leaving the sole passageway within the bag and between two ports located in the lower half of the bag.

Bottom Blood Bag Separation System

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US Patent:
53062698, Apr 26, 1994
Apr 2, 1992
Appl. No.:
Willie J. Lewis - Oakland CA
Eva Sajan - Oakland CA
Miles Inc. - Berkeley CA
International Classification:
A61M 500
US Classification:
Plastic blood bag system including a bag having a generally longitudinal seal extending from the top of the bag and between two blood bag ports downwardly to at least the lower half of the bag but not to the bottom of the bag, thereby leaving the sole passageway within the bag and between two ports located in the lower half of the bag. The longitudinal seal terminates proximal to the central axis of the bag with a spot weld to prevent tear. In addition, the cross-sectional diameter of the channel increases as the channel nears the central axis.
Eva D Sajan from Oakland, CA, age ~81 Get Report