David Ow - Hercules CA, US
James Thomson - Albany CA, US
The United States of America, as Represented by The Secretary of Agriculture - Washington DC
International Classification:
C12N 15/86
C12N 15/82
Prokaryotic recombination systems have been adapted to function in eukaryotes in order to achieve one or more of the following: DNA site specific excision, translocation, integration and inversion. These recombination systems are identified as seven members of the small serine resolvase subfamily: CinH, ParA, Tn1721, Tn5053, Tn21, Tn402, and Tn501 and three members of the large serine resolvase subfamily: Bxb1, U153, and TP901-1. These recombination systems represent new tools for the genetic manipulation of eukaryotic genomes.