Melissa K. Rath - Danbury CT, US
David D. Bernhard - Newtown CT, US
David Minsek - New Milford CT, US
Michael B. Korzenski - Danbury CT, US
Thomas H. Baum - New Fairfield CT, US
Advanced Technology Materials, Inc - Danbury CT
International Classification:
G03F 7/32
G03F 7/42
A composition and process for removing photoresist and/or sacrificial anti-reflective coating (SARC) materials from a substrate having such material(s) thereon. The composition includes a base component, such as a quaternary ammonium base in combination with an alkali or alkaline earth base, or alternatively a strong base in combination with an oxidant. The composition may be utilized in aqueous medium, e. g. , with chelator, surfactant, and/or co-solvent species, to achieve high-efficiency removal of photoresist and/or SARC materials in the manufacture of integrated circuitry, without adverse effect on metal species on the substrate, such as copper, aluminum and/or cobalt alloys, and without damage to SiOC-based dielectric materials employed in the semiconductor architecture.