imberly Campbell's father, Gordon Lambie, described the family as close-knit and successful. Darrin Campbell had moved to Tampa more than 10 years ago to take a job with a glass container manufacturer, and held a couple of other jobs before his father-in-law said he had taken the past year off work.
Darrin Campbell was volunteering at his children's private school, Carrollwood Day School, as the treasurer, an unpaid position. Kimberly Campbell was a stay-at-home mother, Lambie said from his home in Michigan.
Darrin and Kimberly met in Lansing, Michigan, when they both worked as legislative aides in the state legislature. Kimberly Campbell had graduated from Central Michigan University and Darrin Campbell had an MBA from the University of Michigan, Lambie said.
They had lived in San Antonio, Texas, where Darrin Campbell was an executive with Pearl Brewing Company before they moved to the Tampa area around 2001 so he could take a job with Anchor Glass Container Corp.