US Patent:
20150269512, Sep 24, 2015
Daniel DANIEL WARTEL - Southfild MI, US
Daniel Wartel - Southfield MI, US
International Classification:
G06Q 10/06
Performance systems assess and track operational and functional performance for the purpose of rewarding those workers that provide the most value to an enterprise. Initially, management decides what is important in a particular job, a way to track performance by defining a plurality of performance criteria, an algorithm to quantify and compare performance of workers and a reward for top performance. Performance criteria are assigned weights by management. Performance criteria are mathematically processed with assigned weights for a preset period, such as by summing the products of measurement of criteria with their weights, to create a periodic single numerical assessment of overall performance of workers, such as for a pay period, for comparison with other workers performing a similar job. Performance of workers is compared to determine distribution of periodic rewards, such as cash bonuses, and, in the best mode, the value of such reward.