
Cyril Kaloi Phones & Addresses

  • 383 Sycamore Grove St, Simi Valley, CA 93065
  • 836 Links View Dr, Simi Valley, CA 93065
  • 383 Country Club Dr, Simi Valley, CA 93065
  • Thousand Oaks, CA
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Riverside, CA
  • Ventura, CA


Us Patents

Notched/Diagonally Fed Electric Microstrip Antenna

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US Patent:
40514781, Sep 27, 1977
Nov 10, 1976
Appl. No.:
Cyril M. Kaloi - Thousand Oaks CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
H01A 928
H01A 138
US Classification:
A notched/diagonally fed electric microstrip dipole antenna consisting of a hin electrically conducting, rectangular-shaped element formed on one surface of a dielectric substrate, the ground plane being on the opposite surface. The length of the element determines the resonant frequency. The feed point is in a notch located along the diagonal with respect to the antenna length and width, and the input impedance can be varied to match any source impedance by moving the feed point along the diagonal line of the antenna without affecting the radiation pattern. The antenna bandwidth increases with the width of the element and spacing between the element and ground plane. Singularly fed circular polarization is easily obtained with this antenna.

Asymmetrically Fed Magnetic Microstrip Dipole Antenna

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US Patent:
40952274, Jun 13, 1978
Nov 10, 1976
Appl. No.:
Cyril M. Kaloi - Thousand Oaks CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
H01Q 138
US Classification:
An asymmetrically fed magnetic microstrip dipole antenna consisting of a n electrically conducting, rectangular-shaped radiating element formed on one surface of a dielectric substrate, the ground plane being on the opposite surface with the radiating element shorted to the ground plane. The length of the element determines the resonant frequency. The feed point is located along the centerline of the antenna length and the input impedance can be varied by moving the feed point along the centerline from the center point to the end of the antenna without affecting the radiation pattern. The antenna bandwidth increases with the width of the element and spacing between the element and ground plane. The element is shorted through the dielectric to the ground plane with rivets or plated-through holes at one end of the element length.

Reactively Loaded Corner Fed Electric Microstrip Dipole Antennas

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US Patent:
41632362, Jul 31, 1979
Jul 3, 1978
Appl. No.:
Cyril M. Kaloi - Thousand Oaks CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
H01Q 0000
H01Q 938
H01Q 148
US Classification:
A corner fed electric microstrip dipole antenna consisting of a thin eleccally conducting, square shaped radiating element formed on one surface of a dielectric substrate, the ground plane being on the opposite surface. The feed point is located at one corner of the antenna element and the input impedance is matched with a matching microstrip transmission feed line connected to the corner of the antenna. The sides of the radiating element are all equal. The length of the element determines the resonant frequency along the Y axis and the width determines the resonant frequency along the Z axis. This antenna is capable of generating elliptical and circular polarized radiation when reactively loaded using a single element and single feed point.

Coupled Multilayer Microstrip Antenna

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US Patent:
44019882, Aug 30, 1983
Aug 28, 1981
Appl. No.:
Cyril M. Kaloi - Thousand Oaks CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
H01Q 138
US Classification:
A coupled multilayer microstrip antenna having an upper and a lower microip element tuned to the same frequency, and separated from each other by a dielectric substrate. The pair of elements is located over a suitable ground plane and separated from the ground plane by a second dielectric substrate. The upper element is the driven element which is directly coupled to the feed line while the lower element is parasitically coupled to upper element. The lower element cancels the image field as seen by the upper element providing enhanced radiation at angles closer to the ground plane.

Offset Fed Magnetic Microstrip Dipole Antenna

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US Patent:
40782379, Mar 7, 1978
Nov 10, 1976
Appl. No.:
Cyril M. Kaloi - Thousand Oaks CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
H01Q 138
H01Q 928
US Classification:
An offset FED magnetic microstrip dipole antenna consisting of a thin eleically conducting, element formed on one surface of a dielectric substrate, the ground plane being on the opposite surface with the radiating element shorted to the ground plane. The length of the element determines the resonant frequency. The feed point is located along one edge of the antenna length and the input impedance can be varied by moving the feed point along the edge of the antenna to obtain optimum match for the resonant mode without affecting the radiation pattern. The antenna bandwidth increases with the width of the element and spacing between the element and ground plane.

Wedge Feed System For Wideband Operation Of Microstrip Antennas

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US Patent:
53899377, Feb 14, 1995
May 1, 1984
Appl. No.:
Cyril M. Kaloi - Thousand Oaks CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
H01Q 126
US Classification:
The microstrip antenna system uses a special wedge shaped feed connected m the antenna radiation element to the center pin of the coaxial to microstrip adapter to obtain wide bandwidth operation. The special wedge feed connects the center pin to an indefinite series of feedpoints along the length of radiating element. The angle of the taper of the wedge feed along with the distance between the bottom of the wedge and the ground plane provides impedance matching for the antenna.

Dual Ground Plane Microstrip Antennas

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US Patent:
42913110, Sep 22, 1981
Aug 23, 1979
Appl. No.:
Cyril M. Kaloi - Thousand Oaks CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
H01Q 138
US Classification:
Microstrip antenna systems having two ground planes spaced apart by a dietric substrate and radiating elements coplanar with one of the two ground planes, or sandwiched within the dielectric substrate separating the two ground planes adjacent a window in one of the ground planes. The two ground planes are shorted together in most instances, and the dual ground plane system provides a reduction in the leakage losses of tranmission lines feeding and/or interconnecting the microstrip antenna radiating elements. The dual ground plane system also provides a reduction in coupling between arrayed radiation elements as well as an increase in bandwidth, in some instances.

Dual Diagonally Fed Electric Microstrip Dipole Antennas

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US Patent:
41258398, Nov 14, 1978
Oct 6, 1977
Appl. No.:
Cyril M. Kaloi - Thousand Oaks CA
The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
H01Q 138
H01Q 938
H01Q 148
US Classification:
Circularly polarized microstrip antennas consisting of thin electrically ducting, square-shaped radiating elements formed on one surface of a dielectric substrate and having a ground plane on the opposite surface of the substrate. Two feed points are used to provide a circular polarized radiation pattern. The feed points are located along the centerlines of the antenna length and width or along the diagonal lines of the element and the input impedances can be varied by moving the feed points along both centerlines or both diagonal lines from the centerpoint of the element. The antennas can be notched in from the edges of the radiating element along the centerlines of the element width and length, or along opposite diagonal lines of the element, to the optimum input impedance match feed point.
Cyril M Kaloi from Simi Valley, CA, age ~92 Get Report