- Redmond WA, US
Patrick NELSON - Redmond WA, US
Cagri ASLAN - Newcastle WA, US
Gregory MISKELLY - Seattle WA, US
Isadora Sophia GARCIA RODOPOULOS - Vancouver, CA
International Classification:
G06F 11/36
G06F 11/34
To set data breakpoints on properties and certain other functions, constituent data locations (CDLs) that can contribute to computation of the property value or other function result are identified, and respective constituent data breakpoints are added at one or more CDLs by data breakpoint adder code. Each constituent data breakpoint will suspend execution of an inspectable software in response to occurrence of a CDL data entry. The CDLs are identified by CDL identifier code using static data flow analysis, enhanced interpretation, or disassembly, with recursion as appropriate. Kernel or runtime routines, and other routines designated as known, can be excluded from the CDL search. Data locations marked read-only, or that are effectively read-only because they will not be written, can also be excluded. The resulting data breakpoint functionality makes internal program state information available, thus facilitating computing system accuracy, flexibility, security, speed, memory usage efficiency, and other functional characteristics.