Andriy Tsupryk - Coram NY, US
Ivan Tovkach - Centereach NY, US
Dmitriy Gavrilov - Setauket NY, US
Vera Gorfinkel - Brook NY, US
Boris Gorbovitski - Stony Brook NY, US
Dmytro Gudkov - Stony Brook NY, US
Tetyana Gudkova - Coram NY, US
The Research Foundation of State University of New York - Albany NY
International Classification:
G01J 3/42
G01J 1/42
A fiberized single photon sensitive spectrometer based on a 32-channel PMT sensor is highly sensitive with broad detection dynamic range. The spectrometer enables accurate and high speed detection, identification and analysis of biological samples labeled with multiple fluorescent markers, such as compositions of multi-color fluorescence signals or radiation emitted by multiple fluorescence dyes. A fiberized optical input of the spectrometer allows an easy and efficient coupling to any measurement system based on fiber collection of the analyzed fluorescence. The spectrometer provides highly accurate DNA sequencing. A 32 channel PMT single photon detector has a detection dynamic range of more than 20 bits and has a frame rate of about 3300 frames per second. The dynamic range of the detector's pixels reaches 10photocounts per second.