David W. Vice - Houston TX
Anne N. Vice - Houston TX
Michael A. Poujol - Houston TX
Angela G. Poujol - Houston TX
International Classification:
A01K 1035
A litter box having a sifter insert member that is used to remove solids and clumped matter from the litter material without removing or transferring the litter material. The sifter insert has a foraminous bottom wall, two opposed side walls, one rear end wall, and a transverse front edge extending across the front end of the foraminous bottom wall. The lower portion of the sifter insert is slidably nested in the litter box with its foraminous bottom wall resting on the bottom wall of the litter box. Litter material is sifted by lifting the sifter insert upwardly to capture a substantial portion of solid and clumped material. The sifter insert is reinserted beneath the litter material by holding it in a generally vertical position inwardly adjacent one end wall of the litter box and pushing its front edge downwardly to engage the bottom wall of the litter box and lowering the sifter insert while pushing its front edge along the bottom wall toward the opposed end wall of the litter box until the sifter insert is again nested in the litter box, and thereafter manipulating the litter box to evenly distribute the litter on the sifter insert foraminous bottom wall. The sifter insert may also be used to remove remaining solid and clumped materials by holding it at an angle, inserting its front edge into the litter material and pushing it through the litter material beneath the remaining solid and clumped materials and lifting them out of the litter material.