s and Butler. I dont think there is much of a chance of Ryan returning because I think hell get a big offer in free agency that neither I nor the Patriots will think hes worth. Really, though, I cant get past you wanting to trade Gronk. Thats just blasphemy.Andy Hart
ven though he was moved from QB in college for a reason and doesnt know the New England system as well as Edelman. But as the week goes on, the likelihood that the team signs an outside QB goes down and the chances that at least one of the young backups is healthy go way up.Andy Hart
I'm not buying this cute idea of having Julian Edelman at QB, and I don't think the great Andy Hart is either. So, if neither Brissett nor Jimmy G can play Sunday, who can the Pats bring in? Perhaps a Matt Flynn or Ryan Lindley; both spent some time on the roster?Jessica Czisack
ming in and trying to run a crash course to refresh the offense. I get the feeling Garoppolo will be the starter, but thats just my gut after a week-plus of time for him to heal. The quarterback position has been utterly entertaining all year in New England, whats one more week of it?Andy Hart
by, whos been inactive two of three weeks is also an option. So, too, is linebacker Elandon Roberts, who seems to have a limited role as he was active but did not play in Week 3. There is also the chance that another injury pops up this week that could play a role in this decision.Andy Hart
. Its like the Punnett square we all learned about in biology class. Belichicks Patriots are the dominant trait and most often win out. But, sometimes the recessive opponent wins the day. So be nice to your blonde-haired cousin who doesnt fit with the rest of the family.Andy Hart
uld a 100-percent T.J. Yates on a crash course in New England be better than the two banged-up Patriots? It doesnt seem like thats the case the way Belichick has handled the situation. I tend to agree with him. If his guys are good enough to play then they are good enough for now.Andy Hart
the last year. The bottom line, though, is that the Patriots think Cannon is their best choice at right tackle when Sebastian Vollmer is out of the equation. Its been that way for years and doesnt seem like its going to change, regardless of what we outsiders might think.Andy Hart
simply lost and found somehow, I think teams would put it to use. But I dont think too many borderline roster players are trying to bring playbooks with them from one team to another. It would probably be frowned upon by all involved. And now tablets have changed the process as well.Andy Hart
re than 1,000 yards and double-digit touchdowns. Hard to argue that Easley was a good pick on any level given how quickly he was jettisoned from Foxborough. So New England didnt miss on a tight end but rather a defensive lineman. And the teams kept winning. Thats what matters most.Andy Hart
sive talent that just cant turn the corner and win. I also wouldnt rule out spots like Buffalo, Cincinnati or even L.A., regardless of what Kroenke has to pay to make it happen. Yes, Brissett was the first black quarterback to start for the Patriots, Bishop never started a game.Andy Hart
land has its share of Pro Bowlers on both sides of the ball. Gronkowski is considered the best tight end in football, maybe of all time. Same with Brady. But Belichick is also a unique talent. He helps to put the talent he has, which is impressive, in the right position to succeed and win.Andy Hart
in Garoppolo and Brissett. He may now have a larger market to make a trade given Garoppolos success. He may also have a better feeling of comfort with Brissett as potentially the lone backup moving forward if a trade were to happen. Belichick wins yet again, on and off the field.Andy Hart
to be the backup quarterback. I also think he deserves that chance to be a starter. The most likely scenario at this point would be Garoppolo being traded and Brissett developing as Bradys backup for the next few years. Its certainly the simplest of all the scenarios.Andy Hart
returns on short kicks. I dont believe that success and effort has hindered his work on field goals. Plus, he is six of seven on field goal attempts this year in the regular season, so lets not make this more than it is. He hasnt been perfect, but hes still damn good.Andy Hart