Franktown, CO
Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calgary, AB
Thunder Bay, ON
Nipigon, ON
Bedford, TX
Omaha, NE
Stone Rose Photography (2009)
NovAtel (1984-1992)
JRC International (1992-1996)
WebLink Wireless (1996-2004)
Trace Technologies (2005-2009)
CYC (1969-1971)
University of Calgary - BSc Physics, University of Calgary - MSc Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary - MBA Entrepreneurship, University of Calgary - BA Philosophy
Lived in Calgary AB Canada till 1994. Moved to Dallas TX then. Now in Franktown, CO since 2007. Engineer in wireless industry from 1984. Married (more than once). Four children: Edward, Kevin, Olivia,...
Bragging Rights:
Chairman of several TIA cellular groups including AHAG. Developed V&V model for TIA documents. Engineered WebLink Wireless network (now USA Mobility).