US Patent:
20090121109, May 14, 2009
Richard C. Kinmont - Ogden UT, US
Alexander R. Kinmont - Ogden UT, US
Patrik A. Kinmont - Ogden UT, US
Matthew T. Kinmont - Ogden UT, US
International Classification:
A47B 91/00
F21V 21/00
The Improved display stand is an invention that because of its unique adjustable overhead type lights and because of it unique electroluminescent lighting provides a stand that not only accommodates the display of various action figures or the like bathed in figure appropriate lighting, but creates an intriguing luminescent display. The display stand has particular application in the display of action type figures such as figures of characters know to science fiction type movies, wherein the display of such figures is enhanced due to adjustable lighting and due to the electroluminescent structural members of both the stand and the displayed item.