Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
Washington, DC
Reston, VA
Boston, MA
Honolulu, HI
Cleveland, OH
Allendale, SC
Philadelphia, PA
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Dallas, TX
Atlanta, GA
Merida-Yucatan, Mexico
Kingston, Jamaica
Aswan, Egypt
Plaquemines, LA
As Mayor Tom Bradley's first Director of Small Business & Economic Dev; In US Dept of Labor, DC, co-authored Original "Philadelpllhia Plan", In LA Office of Gov. Pat Brown Authored the Dove Counterbalance Intelligence Test AKA the "Chitlin' Test", Served one year as Resident Personal Advisor to the ROyal Kingdom of Cambodia, and a Veteran of the US Army.
Attended University of Hawaii, CalState LA, George Washington Univerity, University of Virginia and Harvard University. - Sociology, Economics, Public Administration and Business.
Born in Dallas Texas of Jamaican immigrant parents. His father was a Scientist and his mother a Nurse. Grew up in Los ANgees and Compton, CA. Studied and worked all over Aerican and in Africa, Asia...
Graduated from Compton HS & Harvard University.Worked in CA State Prisons/Parole & as Senior Analyst in White House.
Bragging Rights:
After meeting Dr. ML King, in LA, Dove followed him down South, having been one of the Freedom Riders and later Southern Rural Voter Registration worker in Louisiana and South Carolina. Worked as a Career Senior Level Executive Analyst in the White House (OMB) under Four US Presidents.