Dark Age is an urban mythological trilogy about the future of mankind, which pits the utopian world of the minority super-rich-The Corp-against the dystopian world of the majority super-poor-the rest of mankind. The story begins in a vast decaying ghetto known as the Slums, where the remnants of hum...
Adam Christian Hayes
HayesHayes Productions Inc
Welcome to RATIONS ISSUE 1. We start off strong with two amazing interviews; one with the amazing artist (who needs no introduction) Leonardo Manco and twin creators Adam and Nick Hayes who take us into the dystopian future of their new graphic novel "Dark Age." Josh Gorfain and Andrew MacLean gives...
Rachael Atley, Mark Farrington, Josh Gorfain, Nick Hayes, Adam Hayes, Horatio Herst, Swifty Lang, Leonardo Manco, Emil Ng, Drew Richards, Arlen Schumer, Steve Uy, Barnaby Ward, Eric Wei
Kindle Edition
Comic Book Snob