Jesus Christ - Slave of King Jesus (2007)
School of Hard Knocks. - How to lean on God & be positive, even when surrounded by darkness & hopelessness.
A Christian, vegetarian, yogi, I meditate, am a political junky & a news junky. I love to learn new things. I'm an animal-lover through & through, & I can't stand people who intentionally mistreat their fellow creatures. I believe true faith/religion leads us to walk in love,gentleness, kindness, & peace. I believe the Golden Rule can & should be applied to our lives at all times. I believe in Jesus Christ & His teachings. I also believe that falling in love is more than a nice concept, it can happen to everybody, if we let God lead us to the right person. And no, I am NOT on here to find a relationship!! Please do NOT flirt with me. If you are the type to flirt with someone you don't really know, you aren't my type! I really love people... Meeting/getting to know people its fascinating to me. That's why I am on G+ - I just like people in general. I like hearing other peoples opinions, &, unless you are a hypocrite, I respect even those who disagree with me. I like a healthy debate, & don't mean it personally when I argue about politics, or something comparable. No profile of me is complete without mentioning that I'm blogger! Read my stuff at
Bragging Rights:
"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ..." -Philippians 3:7-8. I boast in nothing & no one-only in the greatness of Jesus Christ my Lord & Master. My heart's desire is to bring Him glory at all times. If I ever dishonor Him, I will have failed my only goal.