US Patent:
20170091317, Mar 30, 2017
- Redmond WA, US
Zhaoji Chen - Issaquah WA, US
Yifung Lin - Haidian District, CN
Dian Zhang - Haidian District, CN
International Classification:
G06F 17/30
G06F 17/27
A computerized mechanism to automatically correlate positions of query script to portions of a data flow representation of the query script. When parsing the query script to generate the tokens, at least some of the tokens have an associated script location marker that identifies a location in the query script where the token originated from. The syntax tree of multiple nodes is then formulated, each node comprising one or more of the tokens parsed from the query script. Accordingly, the syntax tree retains the script location markers. A data flow representation of the query script is then formulated into a data flow representation. That data flow representation might, for instance, be based on the syntax tree, but augmented with data types of the various data flows. Nevertheless, the location marker is retained within the data flow representation.