An inflatable; convertible shelter and flotation device used for long distance hiking and camping expeditions. Cocoon is constructed of canvas and nylon. The canvas floor base is rubberized to allow for water proofing and air containment. A nylon lining is attached to the canvas and is held in place by Velcro strips. When used as a tent Cocoon's nylon lining is unfastened to form a wedge shaped tent. The canvas base can be inflated for insulation and sleeping comfort. When used as a flotation device the canvas base with three independently inflated air panels provide buoyancy for traversing rivers and lakes. Each inflatable panel contains air tight cells of different lengths. Grommets are secured at the end of each cell and provide openings for rope to be drawn through. Grommets and rope allows a gathering together of air-cell ends. A gathering together of each end of the inflated panels allows the base to form a tubular shape.