This text is a revised version of the original review of pediatric anesthesia produced by the Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology at Texas Children’s Hospital. In this version: errata have been corrected; images have been added to key sections; a few chapters have been rewritten to stay up to dat...
Kindle Edition
This text began as an internal project at Texas Children’s Hospital to provide a condensed, up to date, review of pediatric anesthesia for our fellows and faculty to have an easy to read reference on a large variety of topics. We have been very pleased with the quality of the writing, and therefore ...
Kindle Edition
Part 1 of a new series. Jason Peirce is going on his first date with an old friend. Things are going smoothly until a chance encounter. Suddenly Jason finds the date has gone horribly wrong.
Christopher Estrada
Kindle Edition
Christopher Estrada